I Have No Friends in Russian§

Одиночество Лины

Одиночество Лины

  • автор: Russell J.T. Dyer

  • переводчик: Elena Kartushina

  • изданный: 2017

  • издатель: A Silent Killdeer

  • isbn: 978-0983185451

  • pages: 295

One of the editors for my novel (i.e., I Have No Friends), Elena Kartushina has begun translating it into Russian. If you would like to read the first few chapters in Russian, you can click on the links below.

Each chapter has multiple scenes, so the chapter is formatted on separate pages here based on those scenes. In the printed book, these scenes are separated by florian printer marks (i.e., ❦ ), but they don’t include the labels and descriptions provided here. Links to subsequent chapters can be found in the left margin. You may have to click on the hamburger stack (i.e., ≡ ) to reveal the menu.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

If you notice any typing or spelling mistakes or formatting problems, please let us know. We want to know about any mistake, no matter how minor. If you already read the novel in English, please let us know if you have any comments about how scenes, characters, and their tone might be improved. We will appreciate any feedback you can give us to help improve the translation since it’s still in progress. Elena should be finished by the end of December 2017.